Wednesday, August 15, 2012
My Aunt Mary Jane personified unconditional love. I felt her
commitment and concern for me unfailingly. No one could ever
take her place in my heart's
Hall of Fame. She taught me so
much about TEAM spirit and the
Champion attitude. Although I am not gifted athletically as she, Sis fueled my passion to play - in sports and in life -
by her consistent coaching to:
"Show 'em what McGovern Girls are made of!" She modeled UN pretentiousness before it was
accepted as authenticity. Sis provided my own children with
opportunity to feel absolutely
at home in NY, although they
were out-of-towners. No need of mine or my children's was
unmet with Sis as our Hostess.
NO HUGS could ever compare!! I
will be compiling a Memoir on
the (Bigger than) life of my
Aunt Mary Jane McGovern and invite all/any to share their
memories, photos or feelings: